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Skills of Engineer




Mr. Augustine Uwandu
Executive Director, International Operations

Mr. Augustine Uwandu, a Professional Banker with experience in Business Development, SME portfolio management, Credit, Retail Banking, Customer Experience skills, Risk Management, and Remedial Services. He is very result-oriented, hardworking, dependable, and a good team player. He is the immediate past Branch Manager of Sterling Bank Plc. Festac. Town branch in Lagos until September 2022. He is a graduate of Economics from Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma, Edo State, an MBA from Olabisi Onabanjo University Ago Iwoye Ogun State and have recently completed a Graduate Certificate Program in International Business with Fanshawe College in London, Ontario, Canada and currently pursuing another program in Business Analysis at the same Institution in Canada. Following the expansion of the organisation to North America, Mr. Uwandu was appointed an Executive Director, International Operations with King Shipping Trading Company responsible for overseeing international business development, financial activity, and building offshore customer databases, attending networking events, and providing information about investment options, and solving customer issues.

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Office :

27 Caulcrick Road, Apapa 102272, Lagos

Office Time :

Mon-Fri : 09.00 am-05.00 pm